Can Fitness Trackers Monitor Blood Pressure? 

  • By: David Sanchez
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Unlike other methods, fitness trackers monitor blood pressure right at the wrist. Blood pressure reading accuracy improves if the wrist is at heart level. 

The arm measurement can be off or greater than the wrist measurement. Caused by its diminutive size and shallow location, the arteries in the wrist allow for this. In this way, fitness bands can accurately monitor a person’s BP.

In the morning and the evening, the oscillometric is used by most fitness trackers. The electronic sensor takes automatic blood pressure readings. It causes the smartwatch’s cuff to inflate mechanically. As a result, blood arteries constrict, and blood flow is halted.

Blood flow is restored by gradually relieving the pressure. The pressure sensor can pick up on irregularities in arterial blood pressure. The higher of the two readings (systolic or diastolic) is used in the diagnosis. 

We can obtain a reasonably accurate reading by measuring heart rate and blood pressure.

So, How Exactly Does a Fitness Trackers monitor Blood Pressure?

PPG is an alternative method for taking reliable blood pressure readings. This pulse oximeter is a heart rate monitor. When the sensor shines a light on the skin, the principle of light absorption is at work.

They are less reliable than a sphygmomanometer because they need the technology used in inflated cuffs. If you follow the instructions, you should still be able to get good outcomes.

wearable fitness trackers monitor blood pressure - garmin index bpm
Fitness Tracker Monitor Blood Pressure

Is There a Way for fitness trackers monitor blood pressure?

Many fitness trackers on the market are capable of calculating blood pressure. When checking blood pressure, nearly all of them employ the same technique. Here are the measures to take.

  • Just take a load off and have a seat.
  • Checking blood pressure twice allows for more precise readings that can be compared.
  • If you want to use the gadget, strap it to your wrist and make it snug to get an accurate reading.
  • Do not consume caffeine, engage in strenuous physical activity or smoke an hour before taking your blood pressure.
  • Positioning your armrests on a flat surface, like a table with the top arm at heart level, will improve your reading comfort and posture.

Now, use a fitness tracker to get an accurate blood pressure reading. Before using the fitness tracker, read the manual to understand its functions and limitations.

When it Comes to Monitoring Blood Pressure, How Accurate Are Fitness Trackers?

Check your blood pressure using the Fitness Tracker and take it to the doctor’s office. Your physician can then review the blood pressure readings from the fitness tracker. If your fitness tracker and device numbers are somewhat close, you know it’s reliable.

Ambient conditions may compromise fitness trackers’ ability to record blood pressure accurately. At night, blood pressure rises above daytime levels. As your heart rate increases during activity, your blood pressure rises, and vice versa during rest.

Diet can also alter the accuracy of blood pressure readings on fitness trackers. You can verify the reliability of a fitness tracker by comparing its reading to that obtained from a sphygmomanometer.

If the numbers are approximately matching, you can be confident that your fitness tracker is giving you accurate results. Can this be seen as an answer to the question of how reliable blood pressure monitoring in fitness trackers are? Yes. The comparison in proper and reliable conditions can give you the accuracy of the fitness tracker you own. After which, you can decide without any doubt whether you want to depend on its readings or not.

What to Expect From Fitness Trackers Monitor Blood Pressure and What to Expect If You Don’t Use One

The benefits and drawbacks of using a fitness tracker with a blood pressure monitor are outlined below.


  • They can be utilized easily.
  • You will maintain your drive with their help.
  • It might serve as a guide for fine-tuning your exercise regimen.
  • Your blood pressure can be measured at any time and from any location.
  • The results of these examinations will paint a detailed picture of your cardiac condition.
  • In addition, you can avoid the doctor’s office altogether by checking your blood pressure regularly at home.
  • They help with a variety of health problems, including high blood pressure.


  • To put it another way, they pick up on motion quite easily.
  • Their accuracy pales in comparison to that of a sphygmomanometer.


Is blood pressure reading on a smartwatch reliable?

The average SBP deviation between Bodimetrics’ performance monitoring and the reference was 5.3 (4.7) mm Hg. Overall, we found that neither the Everlast smartwatch nor the BodiMetrics performance monitor was reliable enough to be used as a primary method of measuring blood pressure. Nevertheless, newer techniques are emerging daily, which might not stand true as we progress.

Do Fitbits reliably record blood pressure?

Eric Friedman, Fitbit’s vice president of research, claims that the device is highly comparable to pulse transit timings, albeit with slightly different timing than Samsung’s. However, these methods have one major flaw: they provide inaccurate readings of relative blood pressure. But the newer models, such as FITBIT Sense, can measure blood pressure accurately and do much more for your fitness monitoring, including stress assessment.

Does anyone know if a smartwatch can read one’s blood pressure?

Large-scale studies have yet to prove that blood pressure monitor watches give reliable readings. Choosing a specifically designed device for this purpose may be more accurate than using a fitness tracker with this capability to acquire consistent, dependable results.

Can you take your blood pressure with a FitVII smartwatch? 

The most reliable blood pressure readings are from a smartwatch, the FitVII. A top pick among fitness trackers. This watch is a fantastic health aid because of its ability to monitor your vitals straightforwardly, including your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels.

According to research published in Hypertension, the wrist device accurately measured blood pressure to within 5 mmHg. This is an important finding because prior research has shown that other smartwatches cannot measure blood pressure with the same accuracy.

If a smartwatch can gauge blood pressure, how does it do so?

Compared to the Rockley sensor signals, the standard PPG signals were not as correlative with the cuff-based blood pressure controls. In addition to heart rate monitoring, the Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 uses a PPG optical sensor to measure blood pressure.


The widespread availability of convenient fitness trackers has unquestionably influenced people’s outlooks on health and exercise. These gadgets have proven to be very helpful, aiding in weight loss or health monitoring. 

Whether or not their predictions are correct is another question. The usefulness of fitness monitors that can be worn is indisputable, and we may expect to see more of them shortly. 

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